The importance of the area preservation lies in that the species protected therein are in extinction risk, for example the yaguareté (Panther onca), ocelot (Felis pardalis), the yacutinga (Aburria jacuntinga), macuco (Tinamus solitarius) just to mention a few which still find suitable survival conditions at the Iguazú National Park.
The Park shelters a natural patrimony that includes:
• A native flora with more than 2000 species: luxuriant ferns, bromelias (Guzmania hibrida), orchids, palm and gigantic trees holding a great variety of climbing plants that permanently provide fruits and attract monkeys, coaties, deers, toucans, just to mention a few.
• 450 species of birds show themselves candidly in the early hours and at sunset. It is easy to bump into toucans, magpies, tero birds, parrots and the incredible vencejos (apus apus), the latter is exclusive specie of the Iguazú Waterfalls area.
• 80 mammal species, with five feline varieties moving camouflagingly through the chiaroscuros of the forest.
• Countless varieties of insects, calling attention among them the abundance of colorful butterflies.
• The countless area watercourses are patrolled by yacarés (crocodiles), turtles and herons which feed on small fish.